Innofluence Evergreen

Innofluence Evergreen is a service dedicated to the innovation in the frame of sustainable development.

In partnership with Defismed (of which Innofluence is an affiliate), our aim is to encourage the innovation of a new tourism paradigm that takes care of the natural environment and the quality of life of local people, and offers tourists new experiences.

Our services include:

Training & awareness
• A MOOC on ecotourism (under construction in 2025) in partnership with Defismed and University of Toulouse
• A training toolbox or young ecotourism entrepreneurs (E-YETI)
• An experience and expertise in organizing training workshop and Makeathons
• An experience and expertise in organizing awareness event through international conferences and workshops
Sustainable business development tools
• Its ACCTT decision-support software to assess the capacity of a tourism project (University of Toulouse) to be a vector of territorial development in a context of climate change. This will enable us to measure the relevance of a project to regional development.
• Its JANUS decision-support software aims to carry out an inventory and economic diagnosis of a tourism project with a view to its development.

Communication capacities:

  • A dedicated streaming platform Including many testimonies (ecotourism experiences, youth involvement, people with disabilities…)
  • A packaged offer MEET to promote ecotouristic sites though videos of youth sharing their in-situ experiences (promotion by youths for youths)
  • Ability to moderate citizens’ debates (on average 6 per year) with policy makers and stakeholders.
    A Posdcast channel dedicated to sustainable tourism (In partnership with Xperientiel)

More than 200 episodes: Testimonies, interviews of entrepreneurs, researchers