Our services
Sustainable developpment
As affiliate of Defismed, Innofluence has developed a new offer “Innofluence Evergreen” aiming at raising innovation in ecotourism.
This includes :
– A network of stakeholders (tourism professionals, local and regional authorities, researchers, experts, facilitators, citizens) will be made available throughout the project as well as for the dissemination of results.
– A methodology for supporting ecotourism stakeholders.
– A great communication capacities:
• A dedicated streaming platform breen.tv Including many testimonies (ecotourism experiences, youth involvement, people with disabilities…)
• A Posdcast channel dedicated to sustainable tourism More than 200 episodes: Testimonies, interviews of entrepreneurs, researchers (In partnership with Xperientiel)
Training & awareness
• A MOOC on ecotourism (under construction in 2025) in partnership with University of Toulouse
• A training toolbox or young ecotourism entrepreneurs (E-YETI) https://european-yeti.eu/toolbox/
and more… (see https://innofluence.eu/index.php/innofluence-evergreen/)
We assist you in raising funds to finance your research and innovation.
European funds (H2020, LIFE+, ERDF, …), French funds (CIR, ANR, FUI,…) & Private funds
Organizing the whole process
Selecting the best funding scheme for your project
Assisting you in elaborating your competitive proposal
Assisting you in managing your project
Maximising the return on investment by increasing the impact of your project
Partner search
The best partner for your project
Data mining based on a database of thousand of projects and partners
Managing the relationship with new partners
Networking: How to identify and join the network you need
Raising the impact of your innovation
Your innovavions needs to be exploited from a business, scientific or /and social view point
We assist you in providing:
Exploitation and dissemination plan
Communication plan
We provide you with the right skills and means to maximise the impact of your innovation
Training and keynote speach
Training your teams is a key to access innovation world
We propose a catalog of training sessions from in-house to open sessions.
Project management
setting up and writing a Proposal
Elaborating the impact part of a proposal
Exploitation & dissemination plan & communication
Understand the financial rules of Horizon 2020
How to prepare an audit
We also co-develop a MOOC on ecotourism in partnership with Defismed and Université de Toulouse Jean Jaures.
Latest success stories…
Webinaire du 16/1/25 d’introduction à la formation en développement et soumission de projets de recherche
Le webinaire du jeudi 16 janvier débutera à 10h et durera environ 1h. Réunion Microsoft Teams Participez à partir de votre ordinateur, de […]
Erasmus+ Grassroots
Innofluence supports Le Laba and Defismed in setting-up and winning the Grassroots Erasmus+ project. Passionate about the environment and eager to pave […]
YETI European Youth Eco-tourism Initiatives
European Youth Eco-tourism Initiatives European YETI is a European project aiming to develop the young people’s skills who want to work in […]
Some projects that we assist, coach, manage or setup.
Who we are?
INNOfluence is a consultancy company aiming at raising the impact of your research and innovation by providing you with all the required resources including talents search, fundraising, methods, training and communication tools.
We are based near Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE, but also present in Paris and Brussels, Belgium.